Monday 18 January 2016

Eating at Your Favourite Restuarant

Despite all the travelling and eating you have done across the world nothing beats the familiarity and tastiness of sitting down to eat a meal at your favourite restaurant. A lover of South East Asian culture, religion and fashion it is only natural that my favourite cuisine is a  mixture of Thai and Vietnamese. With sizzling hotplates of spiced beef, sautéed scallops with garlic, light tasty rice paper rolls filled with prawns and coriander, endless plates of exotic pad thai and bowls upon bowls of milky coconut chicken curry laksa  what's not to love? It warms the heart. It's food for the soul. And above all, there is nothing better than sharing your favourite tantalizing (almost spiritual) food experience with your most loved family and friends.


Tuesday 1 December 2015

A Fresh Start

No you're not running away. No you're not abandoning you're problems. No you're not weak. This is not an escape method by any means.

Physically choosing to leave a toxic environment where you were unable to grow... to move forward in your life is an extremely couregous thing to do. Not everyone has the strength to do so. Not everyone has the opportunity or ability. So take advantage of it.

If you're unhappy in your job, your relationship, with your friends or with yourself - make a change. Thats all there is to it. Life is to short to spend it constantly unhappy. Life isnt worth living in reverse.
Surrond yourself with new, fresh faces. Channel all your attention on something new - it's a great way to re-centre yourself and your priorities. Remember whats important. Take up a new hobby. Learn a new language. Explore your new environment.

A change of scene is good for anyone at any time. It keeps you on your toes. It reminds you that theres a crazy big world out there filled with endless opportunities.

Totally detach yourself from all the negative. You'll immeditatly feel relieved. A wash of calmness will fall over you and you'll remember what its like to be you.


Tuesday 20 October 2015


Over the past few months I haven't been able to really focus on anything constructive. I have been constantly distracted by the negatives in my life which are beginning to really weigh me down. Its dangerous - not just for me, but for everyone around me. Feeling the weight of the world doesn't just bring me down, but all my loved ones too. I start to neglect the people and things in my life that really matter. I loose focus on whats real. On whats happening now.  I let it get in the way of my uni, my work, my relationships with Because all I have time for (or...want to have time for) is a person who is a total waste of time.

I cant allow these thoughts....this person....this situation to consume me any longer. Its a tragic waste of my precious time. Instead of being dragged further down into this ever-deepening pit of fucking chaos...instead of living in this drawn out never-ending moment...I will rise up. And learn.

I will re-focus on important things. Like my career. I need to write more. Practice things I love. Go to the gym - take care of my beautiful, healthy body. Make sure I'm listening to it and stop when it needs me to stop. I can't over work it anymore. Re-connect with friends and strengthen bonds that may have suffered over the past few months due to lack of attention and care.

I need to redirect my love into things that deserve my love. Like the people who refuse to leave my side. Or wipe away my tears, tissue after fucking tissue.

Plan my next adventure - I have the money to take me wherever I want. So whats stopping me?

These are all important things which deserve my focus. And from now on, thats what they're going to get!


Tuesday 21 April 2015

The First Few Days of Winter

Cool breezes. Warm gentle sun. Clear blue skies. Hot milky coffee. Cosy beds. Deliciously sweet apple and cinnamon oatmeal. Tight scarfs. Soft knit sweaters. Thick socks and boots. Ridiculously silky bed sheets. Piping hot showers. I love the first few days of winter! Its beautiful and comforting and snuggly and warm and the best time to spend inside cuddled up with someone special...


Friday 3 April 2015

Bouncing Back

Ain't nothing better than a comeback. You know, bouncing back from the slum you so sadly found yourself in. Whatever was holding you down, back or out has now gone and you're left feeling lighter then ever. Sayonara to that heavy black cloud that was nothing but a dead weight on your pursuit of happiness. I hope you know whatever it was; you're better off without it. Whether it was disgustingly unhealthy relationship you found yourself stuck in, or a job which beat you relentlessly into the pavement each day - you came out stronger and wiser and more importantly..... on top. You were able to bounce back into yourself. And at the end of the day...what else really matters?

Walk with confidence. Speak with intention. Act with kindness. Be the best version of you at all times.


Saturday 21 February 2015

Days That Are All About You!

These days are best spent on a Sunday. Its the end of the week and you've worked your absolute butt off at work, at the gym, organizing uni, doing groceries, cleaning, running around for your Dads birthday present, picking up your booklist, updating your best friends on your hectic love life and finally you have a day to nobody but yourself. Finally you can sit down and finish that chapter in the novel you're reading, scroll through your pintrest account, catch up shamelessly on that last episode of Americas Next Top Model (thank God Marijana went home!) Now is your time to take a bath and light your favourite soy vanilla candle! Go ahead and eat that salted caramel cheesecake you've been eyeing off all week. Go for an hour long run through the city! Download Drakes new mixtape! Its your mental health day so take advantage - do whatever YOU need to do!


Saturday 14 February 2015

Saying Yes.....All the time

So I've been trying something new this last week. When asked out by friends, family friends or boys instead of shying away, declining the offer or finding an excuse to not attend I have began saying YES! Yes I would love to go on that date to Southbank with you, mysterious, aloof boy who asked for my number at work.  Who am I to deny a potential soul mate the opportunity to get to know me? Yes, family friend I would adore going to brunch with you early Saturday morning! I'd be out of bed by 8am and enjoying delicious french toast with maple syrup and caramelized bananas and ice-cream! Yes I would love to help you move! Yes I want to spend Monday the coast swimming and tanning with you! Yes I'll come with you to pick up your girlfriend from the airport! Yes come and stay at my new apartment for the next 3 nights! Yes I will cover your 5-8pm at work Saturday night! Saying yes opens you up to alot of new experiences, people, memories and lessons. I think from now on 'yes' will be my answer as much as possible! Push yourself to be and do better - You wont regret it!
